8/12/20 AEW Dynamite: Tag Team Appreciation Night Recap

The opening credits roll. Jim Ross, Taz, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary from Jacksonville, Florida.
Match #1 – Tag Team Match: The Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) (w/Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and another Dark Order member) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson)
Before the match, the Bucks are attacked on the stage by members of the Dark Order. They get Nick into the ring and the referee calls for the bell. Grayson attacks Nick in the ring and tosses him to the outside. The other members slam Nick into the barricade, but Matt comes off the stage and takes them out with a dive. Grayson and Uno double-team Nick in the ring and slam him to the mat. Grayson goes for the cover, but Nick kicks out. Uno and Grayson make quick tags in the corner and keep Nick isolated. Nick comes back with a double clothesline and tags in Matt. The Bucks double-team Grayson and then do the same to Uno. Nick tags back in and takes Grayson down with an arm-drag, and then trips him up. Uno makes the tag and suplexes Nick to the mat. Uno delivers a leg drop and goes for the cover, but Nick kicks out. Grayson tags in and delivers a senton to Matt on the apron. Grayson slams Matt into Uno’s boot and tags in Uno. Matt tries to fight back, but Uno connects with a throat punch. Grayson tags in, but Matt delivers a series of right hands. Grayson sends him to the outside, and Uno drives him into the apron and tosses him back in.
Grayson goes for the cover, but Matt kicks out. Uno tags in, and he and Matt exchange shots. Uno rakes the eyes of Matt, but Matt fights back. Grayson pulls Matt to the floor, but Matt sends him into the ring post. Uno drops Matt with a neck-breaker, but Matt comes back with a Spear. Grayson knocks Nick to the floor, and then Uno kicks Matt in the face. Nick tags in and delivers kicks and knee strikes to Uno and Grayson. He takes them down with a bulldog/lariat combo. Nick sends Grayson over the barricade and then lays him out with a superkick. Matt tags in and the Bucks double-team Uno. They connect with Risky Business and Matt goes for the cover, but Uno kicks out. Nick connects with a senton to Uno and Matt goes for the cover, but Uno’s foot is in the ropes. Grayson tags in and takes Matt down with a hurricanrana. Grayson suplexes Nick into Matt and then Uno and Grayson hit Yin and Yang. Grayson goes for the cover on Nick, but Nick kicks out. Uno and Grayson double-team Nick and take him down with a 540 kick/brain buster combo. Uno goes for the cover, but Nick kicks out.
The Dark Order members on the outside block Matt from coming back from the tunnel, but Nick gets Uno in a roll-up and gets the pin fall.
Winners: The Young Bucks
MJF is shown walking the hallway with his campaign party.
The announcers run down the card for the remainder of the show.
MJF makes his way to the ring for his next address as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, MJF begins his speech. He says he mourns for AEW’s belief in its leader. He says Dictator Jon does not care about anyone, because if he did he would be here. MJF says he cares, but he does have to take partial responsibility for Moxley not being in the arena. He says Moxley is afraid of him, which is understandable. He says Moxley isn’t used to dealing with someone who is better than him and who won’t happily look up at the lights for him. MJF says he wants Moxley to feel comfortable showing up to his job, and then lays down in the ring. MJF says he started his campaign because the company needs quality leadership. He says Moxley is not a leader, but is a rabid dog chasing cars. He says Moxley has caught the AEW World Championship, but it is time to give the keys to a real leader. MJF tells Moxley they don’t even have to wait for All Out; he can just give him the title now. Moxley’s music hits, and MJF sends his campaign to cut him off. Moxley comes out of the tunnel instead and starts beating MJF down in the ring. Moxley lays MJF out with the Paradigm Shift and leaves the ring. Moxley says that does not make them even. Moxley says he will teach MJF a painful lesson in humility at All Out.
Matthew Hardy is interviewed backstage. He was busted open by a chair shot from Sammy Guevara last week. He says he will be clear in ten days on August 22nd. The next Dynamite will air on August 22nd, and he says he will beat Guevara’s ass. He says they want him to go home, but he is going to wait for Guevara to arrive tonight. Hardy attacks someone, thinking it is Guevara, but it turns out to be referee Mike Posey.
Match #2 – AEW TNT Championship Match: Cody (c) (w/Arn Anderson, Brandi Rhodes, Dustin Rhodes, QT Marshall, and Allie) vs. Scorpio Sky
Sky takes Cody down, but Cody counters with a body-scissors. Sky turns it into a headlock, but Cody gets free. They run the ropes a bit, and Cody misses a cross-body and goes to the outside. Sky goes back to the headlock, but Cody shoves him off. Cody hip tosses Sky to the outside, but Sky comes back to the ring. Sky connects with a kick to the chest, but Cody takes Sky to the floor. They brawl on the floor for a bit and get back into the ring at the nine count. Cody takes Sky down with a power slam as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Cody gets Sky with a quick roll-up, but Sky kicks out. Sky comes back and hangs Cody in the corner, and then delivers kicks to the midsection. Sky slams Cody rib-first into the ring post. Sky applies an abdominal stretch, but Cody counters with a hip toss. Sky comes back and sends Cody to the stage, and then drops him with a cutter. Sky rolls Cody back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Cody kicks out. Cody comes back and puts Sky up top, and then delivers a superplex. Sky rolls through and goes for the cover, but Cody kicks out. Sky goes for the TKO, but Cody counters with the Cross Rhodes. Cody goes for the cover, but Sky kicks out. Cody sets up for a pile-driver, but Sky counters. Cody counters back, but Sky counters again and slams him to the mat. Sky goes for the cover, but Cody kicks out. Sky goes for the cutter again, but Cody holds onto the ropes. Cody delivers Cross Rhodes and gets the pin fall.
Winner and still AEW TNT Champion: Cody
-After the match, Mr. Brodie Lee appears on the screen with the old TNT title belt. He says history will be rewritten on August 22nd. He says The Elite has been dispatched, Kenny Omega and Adam Page have been dispatched. He says he will take the gold from Cody on August 22nd, and give him the old one back.
A promo from Private Party airs. They talk about The Hardy Boyz being their favorite tag team of all time.
Match #3 – AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: Adam Page and Kenny Omega (c) vs. Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus) (w/Marko Stunt)
Jungle Boy and Omega start the match. They lock up and Omega backs Jungle Boy into the ropes. Stunt gets on the ropes and Omega catches him with a slap. Omega runs the ropes, but Jungle Boy trips him up. Jungle Boy takes Omega down with an arm-drag and locks in an arm-bar. Omega gets up, but Jungle Boy takes him down again. Jungle Boy delivers a dropkick and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Luchasaurus tags in, and he and Jungle Boy double-team Omega. They slam Omega to the mat and Luchasaurus goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Omega fights back with right hands, but Luchasaurus takes him to the corner and delivers shots. Luchasaurus slams Omega to the mat as Jungle Boy tags in. Jungle Boy connects with a senton from Luchasaurus’s shoulders and goes for the cover, but Omega kicks out. Omega fights back and applies a headlock. Page tags in as Omega takes Jungle Boy down. Page connects with a basement lariat and goes for the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Page slams Jungle Boy to the mat and connects with a snap suplex. Page goes for the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out.
Omega tags back in and he and Page slam Jungle Boy to the mat. Page and Omega deliver chops to Jungle Boy, but Jungle Boy comes back with chops and kicks of his own. Page trips him up and then knocks Luchasaurus to the mat as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Luchasaurus is in control and delivering shots to Omega and Page. Luchasaurus delivers kicks to Omega and Page and then chokeslams Page. Luchasaurus connects with a standing moonsault and goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Omega tags in and Luchasaurus misses a kick on Page. Omega delivers the V Trigger and drops Luchasaurus with a pair of snap dragon suplexes. Jungle Boy takes Omega to the outside with an arm-drag, but Omega takes out Stunt. Jungle Boy goes for a dive, but Omega catches him and drops him with a snap dragon on the floor. Omega dropkicks Luchasaurus in the ring and drops him with a brain buster. Omega goes for the cover, but Luchasaurus kicks out. Page shoves Jungle Boy into the ring and tags in. Page clotheslines Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy in the corner and Omega connects with a back elbow. Page delivers a forearm shot to Luchasaurus, but Omega and Page drop Jungle Boy with an assisted suplex. Page goes for the Buckshot Lariat on Luchasaurus, but he blocks it. Omega comes back, but Luchasaurus drops Page and Omega with a double suplex.
Jungle Boy sends Omega to the floor and drops Page with a DDT. Luchasaurus throws Stunt onto Omega on the outside. Luchasaurus slams Page to the mat and goes for the cover, but Page kicks out. Jungle Boy tags in and he and Luchasaurus double team Page. Omega comes back and sends Luchasaurus to the floor. Omega and Jungle Boy exchange chops and then Page power bombs Jungle Boy onto Luchasaurus. Omega takes Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus out with a dive on the floor. Omega tosses Jungle Boy back into the ring, and Page delivers a power bomb. Page goes for the cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Omega tags in and he and Page deliver the Last Call and get the pin fall.
Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Adam Page and Kenny Omega
Santana and Ortiz are backstage, and they are destroying the belongings of Best Friends. They pour bottles of bleach on everything and toss it in the shower.
The Butcher and The Blade are backstage, and they pick The Road Warriors as the greatest tag team of all time.
The Young Bucks are in the ring with FTR, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, and The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express. Matt says the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express are the original Young Bucks. Matt says they showcased the style that the Bucks use today. He says they have inspired so many tag teams and thanks them. Dax Harwood says he is the biggest mark for the tag teams in the ring, and he says it is because of them that they get to make a living in professional wrestling. He says he gets to give his family the life he never had because of them, and he is forever indebted to them. Ricky Morton says he watches AEW every week and he hasn’t seen the chemistry that FTR has since Anderson and Blanchard. He says The Bucks have dominated for fifteen years and brought tag team wrestling back. He says The Bucks are the top tag team in the world. Anderson says he is not going to blow smoke around. He says The Bucks have made tag team wrestling something different and his hat if off to them. He says The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express has been together for 40 years and are still going. He then says FTR is the best tag team in the world. Blanchard says Tom Brady is the best quarterback because he has championship rings. He says neither The Bucks nor FTR are the champions. Blanchard brings up Anderson getting involved in Shawn Spears’s business and doesn’t understand. Anderson says he can see what is going on as Shawn Spears comes out. A brawl almost breaks out and Harwood goes down on his bad knee. Spears and Blanchard leave the ring, and then FTR attack The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express with Harwood’s knee brace. They drop Morton with the spike pile-driver before the Bucks make the save. Page and Omega come to the ring and FTR leave.
Mike Chioda, who refereed the AEW TNT Championship match earlier tonight, is interviewed. He says it was great to referee the match, but Chris Jericho interrupts. Jericho says he saved Chioda’s job eighteen years ago, and he wants Chioda to referee his match with Orange Cassidy later tonight. He says he wants Chioda to make sure he does the right thing. Chioda says he is going to call it right down the middle. Jericho says he will give Chioda the signal, and he will call it right down the middle. Jericho says he will get Chioda his job back again, and tells him to do the right thing.
Sammy Guevara makes his way to ringside and calls out Matthew Hardy with his posterboard signs as the show heads to a commercial.
Match #4 – Singles Match: Hikaru Shida vs. Heather Monroe
Monroe attacks Shida from the bell, but Shida comes back and takes control. Shida takes Monroe down to the mat, and then slams her into the corner. Shida kicks Monroe away, but Monroe comes back with a kick and a back elbow. Monroe takes Shida to the mat and goes for the cover, but Shida kicks out. Shida comes back and slams Monroe into the corner and delivers a few forearm shots. Shida goes for the Falcon Arrow, but Monroe counters with a roll-up for two. Shida grabs Monroe and locks in a submission and Monroe taps out.
Winner: Hikaru Shida
-After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Shida. He says she has a lot of people coming after her title. She says she is still waiting and two bring it on.
Jake Roberts cuts a promo backstage as Lance Archer is beating guys up. Archer rips off Roberts’s shirt and “Everybody dies” is written on Robert’s back.
Next Monday, the semifinals of The Deadly Draw Tournament will happen on YouTube. On Tuesday, Dark in its usual spot. On Wednesday, Part 1 of All In 2019 will air on YouTube.
On Saturday, August 22nd, the next Dynamite:
FTR vs. Private Party
Alex Reynolds, Alan Angels, and John Silver vs. The Elite in a Six-Man Tag Team Match
The Finals of the Deadly Draw
Darby Allin in action
The Butcher and The Blade and Lucha Brothers vs. Jurassic Express and the Natural Nightmares in an Eight-Man Tag Team Match
Cody defends the AEW TNT Championship against Mr. Brodie Lee
Match #5 – $7,000 Obligation Match: Chris Jericho vs. Orange Cassidy
Cassidy and Jericho brawl from the bell, and Cassidy sends Jericho to the outside. Cassidy connects with a dive and then slams Jericho into the barricade. Cassidy slams Jericho into the barricade a few more times, and then tosses him back into the ring. Jericho comes back and delivers a kick to Cassidy. Jericho connects with a back suplex and delivers a few chops. Jericho sends Cassidy to the apron and delivers a forearm shot. Jericho dropkicks Cassidy to the floor as the show heads to a commercial.
Back from the break, Jericho slams Cassidy to the mat. Jericho goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out. Jericho keeps control and keeps Cassidy grounded. Jericho goes for another cover, but Cassidy kicks out again. Cassidy comes back with “slaps” to Jericho’s chest, and then drops him with a kick. Cassidy delivers a clothesline and connects with a cross-body. Cassidy goes for the cover, but Jericho kicks out. Cassidy connects with a pair of dragon-screw leg-whips and kicks Jericho in the face. Cassidy comes off the ropes, but Jericho counters and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Cassidy rolls through with a roll-up and gets a two count. Cassidy locks in an ankle lock, but Jericho gets free. Jericho delivers the Codebreaker and goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out. Jericho tells Chioda to turn around and tries to hit Cassidy with the baseball bat. Chioda takes the bat away and Cassidy rolls Jericho up for two. Cassidy delivers a Falcon Arrow and goes for the cover, but Jericho kicks out again. Cassidy delivers a kick and then connects with the Orange Punch. Best Friends and Santana and Ortiz brawl through the tunnels and then Jake Hager slams Cassidy down in the ring. Jericho rolls over and goes for the cover, but Cassidy kicks out. Jericho connects with a low blow and goes for the Judas Effect, but Cassidy rolls through and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Orange Cassidy