8/4/20 AEW Dark Results

Excalibur and Taz are on commentary from Jacksonville, Florida.
1. Scorpio Sky defeated Will Hobbs
-After the match, Sky gets a chair in the ring. He says the chair might as well be a throne, because he has been called the king of AEW Dark. He says he is supposed to be proud of that, but Dark is not his ceiling. He says he is one of two people to pin Chris Jericho in AEW, and has more wins on his record than he can count. He says he is tired of sitting on the outside and waiting on his turn at the table. He says maybe he should kick in the door and bring his own seat.
2. The Gunn Club (Austin Gunn and Billy) defeated Aaron Solow and Serpentico
3. Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss defeated The Initiative (Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon) (w/Leva Bates)
4. Abadon defeated KiLynn King
5. Jack Evans (w/Angelico) defeated QT Marshall (w/Allie)
-After the match, Evans and Angelico attack Marshall, but Dustin Rhodes makes the save.
6. FTR (Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood) defeated Brian Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison
7. The Butcher and The Blade defeated Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)