Kayla Braxton addresses those who bullied her online due to health issues

Jul 20, 2020 - by Colin Vassallo

Kayla Braxton, the WWE backstage interviewer and host of The Bump, uploaded a long statement on Twitter to address those people who have been bullying her and being nasty to her online due to her health issues, namely the two bouts with coronavirus.

Braxton said she wanted to set the record straight because “some of you have been super unkind” and said that she tested positive for COVID-19 in late March and quarantined for four weeks. She was then tested positive again a few months later despite taking necessary precautions and while she had no symptoms, she still got the virus again, which required to quarantine for another 14 days.

“Last night you all were tweeting super insensitive things regarding my health. A couple of you even said you thought I had died and maybe that woulda been for the best,” Braxton wrote. “Guys. This isn’t okay. When I said don’t be stupid like me I meant, don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t test positive twice. I did everything I could. And this can happen to you.”

The 27-year-old then urged people to to stop online bullying, especially for something concerning health.

“It’s so gross and you should be embarrassed. Let’s all be better. This is a hard time for everyone and we’re all experiencing a state of the world we’ve never experienced before. Build each other up. Help people. Just be good to people. And to all of you who hove lent your support, I’ve seen you. And thank you. We need more people like you,” Braxton wrote.

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