Davey Boy Smith Jr. offers tips on how to combat the coronavirus

Mar 14, 2020 - by Steve Gerweck

Posted via Facebook:

Here’s an idea for you people that have unfortunately wasted your money buying truck loads of toilet paper. 💡🧻 You should have bought a cheap hose for next to your toilet instead. This is what I had in this absolutely ROTTEN hospital in India where I was actually sick and almost died from a nasty stomach virus. It was coming out of all ends literally 💩 🤮, and no amount of toilet paper was cleaning up that mess. So they had a hose next to the toilet to spray yourself down. People in Thailand have it also and saves the environment.

Also! As in any viral epidemic, the #1 defense is a healthy immune system. Make your body an inhospitable host by alkalizing! Bleach kills all viruses due to its alkalinity, but we can’t drink bleach so to alkalize the body drink lemon, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, and chlorella first thing in the morning! I learned this from Dr. KenGee @thegoodchiropractor I just travelled back from Tijuana Mexico, ate the food there and I feel absolutely fine! And if I’m wrong then you can all laugh at me like Barney from the Simpsons if I get sick from the “coronavirus.” 🙄 #coronavirus #markvirus #nobuvirus 😝

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