Injury Update on La Parka, Reportedly Regained Feeling in Limbs After Surgery
Today’s edition of The Wrestling Observer Radio had an update on the condition of injured AAA wrestler La Parka (not to be confused with the original La Parka who was in WCW, currently known as La Park). As previously reported, La Parker suffered a bad head injury after going for a suicide dive and hitting the barricade headfirst.
The bad dive for the 53-year-old wrestler was reportedly caused by how his feet hit the ropes when he was executing his dive. That led to him hitting his head on the floor and guard rail after the dive.
It was stated by Bryan Alvarez that when La Parka was taken to the hospital, he had no feeling in his arms or legs. Thankfully, the AAA star was later able to regain the feeling his limbs. Doctors reportedly discovered that he injured his fourth vertebrae, and he underwent surgery yesterday and made it through OK, and it’s a sit and wait situation from there.
Sadly, someone created a fake press release saying that the wrestler had died that was distributed on social media. Hopefully, he will be able to make a full recovery.