11/14/18 WWE 205 Live Recap: Gallagher/Gulak vs. Kendrick/Tozawa; Lucha House Party in Action; Alexander/Rush Main Event

Nov 14, 2018 - by Michael Riba

205 Live opens with Drake Maverick hyping the match at Survivor Series between Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali. He says there will be an official weigh-in for both men tonight. We then see tonight’s matches: Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick vs. Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher, and Cedric Alexander vs. Lio Rush.

The opening credits roll, and then Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, and Vic Joseph welcome us to the show.

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick vs. Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher
Gallagher and Kendrick start the match, but Kendrick goes after Gulak on the apron. Kendrick slams Gallagher into the apron and delivers a forearm shot. Tozawa tags in and stomps onto Gallagher. Tozawa goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out at one. Tozawa connects with a few chops and then stomps Gallagher down in the corner. Kendrick tags back in and he and Tozawa deliver double boots to Gallagher. Kendrick goes for the cover, but Gallagher kicks out at two. Kendrick goes for the Captain’s Hook, but Gallagher gets free an tags in Gulak. Kendrick backs Gulak into the corner and right hands and then delivers body shots to follow. Gulak fights back and wraps Kendrick around the ropes while pulling his hair. Gallagher kicks Kendrick in the back and tags in. Gallagher takes Kendrick to the floor and slams him into the announce table and beats him down to the floor.
Gallagher tosses Kendrick back into the ring and tags in Gulak. Gulak drops Kendrick with a clothesline and goes for the cover, but Kendrick kicks out at two. Gulak applies a modified arm-bar down on the mat, but Kendrick fights back and kicks Gulak in the face. Gulak comes back and kicks Kendrick in the hamstring and tags in Gallagher. Gallagher works over Kendrick’s legs and begins joint manipulation with his knee and ankle. Gulak tags back in and Gallagher knees Kendrick in the face. Gulak goes for the cover, but Kendrick kicks out at two. Gulak slams Kendrick into the corner and Gallagher tags back in. Gallagher beats Kendrick down in the corner and applies a headlock down on the mat. Kendrick gets free, but Gallagher tags in Gulak. Kendrick fights back and drops Gulak with a boot to the face. Gallagher tags back in and locks Kendrick in a side headlock.
Tozawa gets involved and Kendrick back drops Gallagher. Tozawa and Gulak tag in and Tozawa kicks him in the midsection and then delivers an enzuiguri. Tozawa knees Gulak in the face and then connects with a suicide dive. Tozawa tosses Gulak back into the ring and goes up top. Kendrick pulls Gallagher to the floor and Tozawa connects with a missile dropkick. Tozawa goes for the cover, but Gulak kicks out at two. Tozawa elbows Gulak and locks in an octopus submission. Gallagher shoves Kendrick into Tozawa to break the hold. Tozawa gets in Kendrick’s face and Gallagher takes Kendrick to the floor. Gulak rolls up Tozawa and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher

We see footage of the official Survivor Series weigh-in for Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali. Ali weighs in at 182 pounds, and Murphy weighs in at 204 pounds. Ali and Murphy get face-to-face and trash talk a bit. They start shoving, but trainers and referees separate them quickly.

We then see Murphy backstage. He says he was just reminding Ali what this is all about. He says is isn’t about them stealing the show of their rivalry; it is simply about his Cruiserweight Championship run. He says he is willing to go through hell and back to defend his title and Ali doesn’t stand a chance this Sunday.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Lucha House Party (Kalisto and Lince Dorado) vs. Two Local Competitors
Dorado starts with one of the guys and drops him with a shot to the chest. Dorado takes him down with a springboard cross-body and then a hurricanrana. The guy comes back with a shot to the midsection, but Dorado delivers a superkick and tags in Kalisto. Kalisto splashes down onto the guy, as does Dorado. The other guy gets into the ring, but Kalisto dropkicks him to the floor. Dorado tags in as Kalisto drops the guy with Solida Del Sol. Dorado connects with a Shooting Star Press and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Lucha House Party
-After the match, Maria Kanellis appears in the TitanTron and says TJP and Mike Kanellis hasn’t forgotten about them. She says when they decide to make an example out of all three members of Lucha House Party, it will be the first and last time that they do so. She says Gran Metalik will go one-on-one with TJP next week.

We see Cedric Alexander backstage. He says the Age of Alexander will continue tonight after he makes an example out of Lio Rush. Tonight’s main event is up next.

Match #3 – Singles Match: Cedric Alexander vs. Lio Rush
Rush backs Alexander into the ropes and applies a side headlock. Alexander sends Rush off the ropes and Rush comes back with a hurricanrana, but Alexander lands on his feet. Rush trips Alexander up and slaps him across the face. Alexander chases Rush, but Rush catches him with a hurricanrana. Alexander comes back and trips him up and delivers a dropkick. Alexander chops Rush in the corner and takes him down to the mat. Alexander goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out at two. Alexander sends Rush into the corner and then takes him down with a back body drop. Alexander charges at Rush in the corner, but Rush moves. Alexander dropkicks Rush’s knee and he goes face-first into the turnbuckle. Alexander goes for a springboard, but Rush comes back and sends Alexander to the floor with a superkick and then connects with a suicide dive.
Rush gets Alexander back into the ring and beats him down in the corner. Rush kicks Alexander in the face and the back. Rush goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out at one. Rush applies a rear chin-lock down on the mat and connects with cross-face shots. Alexander fights back an sends Rush to the corner, but Rush connects with an enzuiguri. Rush goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out at one again. Rush tries to keep the attack going, but Alexander catches him with an elbow shot. Alexander connects with a kick to the head and a springboard clothesline. Alexander goes for the Lumbar Check, but Rush gets free. Rush sends Alexander away, but Alexander connects with the Neuralizer. Alexander goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out at two. Alexander kicks Rush in the face and then delivers the Flatliner. Alexander goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out at two again.
Rush comes back and kicks Alexander in the knee and then delivers a roundhouse knee. Rush drops Alexander down to the mat with a swinging neck-breaker and goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out at two. Rush connects with forearm shots, but Alexander fires back with one of his own. Rush comes back with shots of his own, but Alexander goes for a Michinoku Driver. Rush rolls through and gets a roll-up for a two count. Alexander drops Rush with a Spanish Fly, but Rush gets up first and goes for the Final Hour. Alexander moves and goes for the Lumbar Check, but Rush escapes again. Rush kicks Alexander in the face and runs the ropes, but Alexander connects with another Spanish Fly and then hits the Lumbar Check and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Cedric Alexander

To close the show, we see a promo from Mustafa Ali. Ali says this Sunday, Buddy Murphy will learn that even a juggernaut cannot stop Mustafa Ali.

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