Matt Hardy Talks About Losing His Mother To Cancer At An Early Age
In an interview with Chasing Glory (via Wrestling Inc), Matt Hardy spoke about losing his mother Ruby Moore Hardy in 1986 due to brain cancer, when Matt was 12 and Jeff was 9. Here are highlights:
On watching her struggle: “I remember her being sick, and from the time she was diagnosed with cancer she lived almost a year till the day. She went through a lot of tough treatments after surgeries of chemotherapy and radiation. I just remember her hair falling out and that bothering her so bad, and her wanting to have a wig and feeling uncomfortable going out in public whenever we did, I just remember feeling extremely sad, extremely sad and then when she did eventually get sick and then die, I say this until this day, I never thought she would pass away. I mean, I was like, I am just a kid, my mom can’t leave. I couldn’t even fathom it happening, and then when she did me, my brother and my dad were all there I remember hearing the lifeline machine go flat. I remember that like it was yesterday.”
On how hard it hit his father: “I remember too where it was the first time I had seen my dad cry, and we were all sad and were all right there with her where we had that final moment with her where it gives you some closure at least. I remember my dad telling me that we have to be strong and move on because I know that would be what your mother would want. He was right. It was hard to fathom or understand that type of information the age that Jeff Hardy and I were, but he was right. In life there is going to be ups and downs, good and bad things, and really a lot of the battles in life are won just by how you react to things. There are going to be bad things that will happen, but you cannot allow that to be the end all and be all.”