WWE Network ends Q3 2018 with 1.6 million subscribers

The WWE Network ended Q3 2018 with a total of 1,614,900 subscribers to the WWE Network, a 7% increase of the same period last year but a decrease from the 1,787,000 subscribers it had in the previous quarter.
Out of that 1.6 million number, 1,186,400 are subscribers based in the United States and 428,500 are international. Taking the average instead of an outright total number at the end of the quarter, WWE had 1,663,700 paying subscribers for Q3 2018 which is 9% more than same quarter of last year.
WWE noted that SummerSlam and the Mae Young Classic tournament were among the most-watched shows this quarter and the Super Show-Down pay-per-view was among the most-viewed of the year.