10/24/18 WWE 205 Live Recap: Dorado vs. Kanellis; Ali vs. Itami Falls Count Anywhere Main Event

205 Live opens with a hype package for tonight’s main event: a Falls Count Anywhere Match between Hideo Itami and Mustafa Ali. The opening credits then roll, and Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, and Vic Joseph welcome us to the 100th episode of 205 Live.
Match #1 – Singles Match: Lince Dorado (w/Gran Metalik and Kalisto) vs. Mike Kanellis (w/Maria Kanellis)
Dorado drops Kanellis with a right hand and backs him into the corner with more rights. Dorado takes Kanellis down with a hurricanrana, but Kanellis backs into the corner to stop the momentum. Dorado connects with more rights and backs Kanellis into the corner with body shots. Dorado delivers a series of kicks, but Kanellis comes back with a kick of his own. Kanellis slams Dorado into the corner and stomps away on him as we see TJP watching the match backstage. Kanellis chokes Dorado over the middle rope, but Dorado comes back with a flapjack and then sends Kanellis to the floor. Dorado runs the ropes, but Maria gets on the steps and yells at him. Kanellis gets back into the ring and drops Dorado with a right hand. Kanellis beats Dorado down on the mat and then drops him again with a short-arm clothesline.
Kanellis slams Dorado into the corner and connects with a corner clothesline and drops him to the mat again. Kanellis goes for the cover, but Dorado kicks out at two. Kanellis applies a rear chin-lock down on the mat and then drives his knee into his back. Kanellis delivers a suplex and goes for the cover, but Dorado kicks out at two. Kanellis drives a knee into Dorado’s back, but Dorado fights back with a few elbows. Dorado kicks Kanellis in the chest and takes him down with a hurricanrana. Dorado goes for the cover, but Kanellis kicks out at two. Kanellis comes back with a superkick and goes for the cover, but Dorado kicks out at two. Kanellis charges at Dorado, but Dorado counter with a spinning heel kick. Dorado drops Kanellis with a few clotheslines and then delivers an enzuiguri. Dorado delivers a forearm in the corner and then delivers a hurricanran from the top rope. Dorado goes for the cover, but Kanellis kicks out at two.
Dorado delivers another enzuiguri and then connects with the Bronco Buster. Dorado goes up top, but Kanellis moves and delivers a spine-buster. Kanellis goes for the cover, but Dorado kicks out at two. Dorado comes back and connects with the Golden Rewind. Kanellis goes to the floor, but Dorado tosses him back into the ring and hits a Shooting Star Press. Dorado goes for the cover, but Kanellis gets his foot on the rope. Kanellis goes to the floor and knocks down Kalisto and Metalik. Dorado goes after him, but Kanellis takes control and slams him to the mat with a reverse neck-breaker and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Mike Kanellis
Backstage, Drake Maverick praises the work that the Superstars on 205 Live have done in the past 100 episodes. Maverick says Buddy Murphy needs a challenger and that his challenger will be determined on next week’s show.
The Brian Kendrick is backstage. He tells Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher that it won’t be that easy to get rid of him. We then see that Kendrick and Gallagher will go one-on-one next week.
We then take a look back to last week’s Fatal Five-Way Match, which was won by Tony Nese after he pinned Cedric Alexander. Then, Lio Rush cuts a promo. He says he was not defeated last week and Alexander was not even close to beating him. He says he is still undefeated in one-on-one competition on 205 Live.
Tony Nese and Buddy Murphy are backstage. Murphy says Drake Maverick has a chance to show the world what time of General Manager he is going to be and if he has any integrity, Nese will be in the match. Nese says he should already have a title match, but he will beat anyone that Maverick puts against him next week.
Match #2 – Falls Count Anywhere Match: Hideo Itami vs. Mustafa Ali
Itami takes control and tosses Ali out to the floor. Ali comes back with a shoulder to the midsection and then a hurricanrana that sends Itami to the floor. Ali delivers a cross-body to the outside and goes for the cover, but Itami kicks out at two. Ali slams Itami into the ring steps and tosses him back into the ring. Ali delivers a few chops in the corner and goes for a springboard, but Itami kicks him down to the floor. Itami goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Itami slams Ali into the barricade and then tosses him back into the ring. Itami connects with a knee lift and then kicks Ali in the ribs. Itami goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Itami delivers a few more kicks and goes for another cover, but Ali kicks out again. Itami applies a side-headlock, but Ali fights back to his feet. Itami grabs him by the hair and slams him to the mat again.
Itami stomps away on Ali and then delivers a couple kicks to the chest. Ali comes back with three superkicks of his own and both men are down. Ali get to his feet first and kicks Itami in the face. Ali delivers a face-buster and goes for the cover, but Itami kicks out at two. Itami goes to the floor, but Ali follows. Itami takes control and throws Ali into the timekeeper’s area. Itami tells the crowd to respect him, but Ali comes back with a flying clothesline. Ali tosses Itami into the announce table and then tears the table apart. Ali gets Itami on the table, but Itami trips him up and locks in a single-leg Boston Crab on the table. Ali gets free, but Itami kicks him into the barricade. Itami goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Itami tosses Ali over the barricade and goes after him, but Ali counters with a superkick. Ali goes for the cover, but Itami kicks out at two.
They brawl back to ringside and Itami slams Ali into the steps. Itami takes the steps apart and then drops Ali with a clothesline on the entrance ramp. Itami goes for the cover, but Ali kicks out at two. Itami tosses Ali back into the ring and pulls Ali to the top rope. Itami sets up for a suplex onto the steps, but Ali fights him off. Itami lands on the steps and Ali connects with a cross-body to the floor. Ali goes for the cover, but Itami kicks out at two. Ali grabs a table from under the ring, but Itami dropkicks him into the barricade. Itami moves the other set of steps, but Ali comes back with a forearm shot. Itami comes right back and slams Ali into the steps. Itami drags the other steps as well and sets them up in front of Ali. Itami tries to slam Ali between the two sets of steps, but Ali moves out of the way and drops Itami with a tornado DDT.
Ali sets up the table and puts Itami on it. Ali climbs up top and delivers a 450 Splash and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Mustafa Ali
Backstage, Drake Maverick says Tony Nese will take on Mustafa Ali next week and the winner will challenge Buddy Murphy for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.