10/2/18 WWE Mixed Match Challenge Coverage: Uso/Naomi vs. Rusev/Lana; Balor/Bayley vs. Mahal/Fox

Season 2, Episode 3 opens with a preview of tonight’s matches: B’N’B (Finn Balor and Bayley) vs. Mahalicia (Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox) and Day One Glow (Jimmy Uso and Naomi) vs. Ravishing Rusev Day (Rusev and Lana). Michael Cole, Renee Young, and Vic Joseph then welcome us to the show.
Match #1 – Mixed Match Challenge Tournament Match: B’N’B (Finn Balor and Bayley) vs. Mahalicia (Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox) (w/Sunil Singh)
Fox and Bayley start the match and Fox says she wants to start the match against Balor. She shoves Balor and Bayley rolls her up for a two count. Mahal tags in and Balor enters as well. They lock up and Mahal takes Balor down to the mat and applies a side headlock. Balor fights to his feet, but Mahal drops him again. Balor comes back and takes Mahal down with a few arm drags and then applies shoulder bar. Mahal fights out and drops Balor with a sunset flip, but Balor rolls through and delivers a dropkick. Fox tags back in and Bayley enters as well. Bayley sends Fox to the corner, but Fox comes back with a sunset flip for a two count. Bayley backs Fox into the corner and drives her shoulder into her midsection. Bayley then connects with an elbow shot, but Fox comes back and sends Bayley to the floor. Singh catches Bayley and asks her if she wants to “bollywood dance,” but Fox grabs her and slams her into the ring post.
Fox tosses Bayley back into the ring and delivers a face-buster. Fox goes for the cover, but Bayley kicks out at two. Fox applies a rear chin-lock and then slams her to the mat again. Fox delivers an uppercut, but Bayley comes back and slams her into the corner. Bayley goes for the tag, but Fox cuts her off. Fox goes back to the rear chin-lock, but Bayley comes back with an elbow shot. Bayley delivers a back body drop and tags in Balor. Mahal enters as well and Balor drops him with a few forearm shots. Balor delivers chops in the corner, but Mahal comes back with a kick to the face. Balor comes back with a kick of his own and then connects with a slingblade. Balor dropkicks Mahal into the corner and then goes up top. Fox distracts him and knocks him down onto the turnbuckle. Fox tags in and Bayley takes her down with a Thesz Press. Bayleyr delivers left hands and then a knee in the corner.
Bayley connects with a cross-body and goes for the cover, but Fox kicks out at two. Bayley slams Fox through the ropes and to the floor and then connects with a baseball slide dropkick. Singh dodged the dropkick and Fox gets angry at him. Fox chases Singh around the ring and Bayley delivers the Bayley-to-Belly to Singh in the ring. Balor gets into the ring and he takes out Mahal and Singh with a suicide dive. Bayley grabs Fox and delivers the Bayley-to-Belly for the win.
Winners: B’N’B
-After the match, we see that Monster Eclipse (Braun Strowman and Ember Moon) will take on B’N’B on next week’s show. We then see Bayley and Balor backstage. Bayley says they will be ready for Ember and Braun next week and they will win again next week. They say it will be “Too sweet” and walk away.
Match #2 – Mixed Match Challenge Tournament Match: Day One Glow (Jimmy Uso and Naomi) vs. Ravishing Rusev Day (Rusev and Lana)
Lana and Naomi lock up and Naomi takes her down with a side headlock. Lana turns it into a head-scissors, but Naomi gets free. Lana kicks Naomi in the midsection, but Naomi comes back and sends her to the corner. Lana counters with a kick to the face and then Uso and Rusev tell them to have a dance off in the middle of the match. Music plays and it actually happens. Rusev and Uso argue over who won and then the WWE Universe chooses Naomi as the winner. Rusev officially tags in and he and Uso enter the match. Rusev and Uso then have a dance off. Rusev and Uso begin the Too Cool dance, but Rusev kicks him in the head and goes for the cover and Uso kicks out at two. Us comes back and kicks Rusev in the face and tags in Naomi. Lana enters as well and Naomi drops her to the mat with a kick to the face. Naomi delivers a springboard kick and goes for the cover, but Rusev breaks it up.
Uso gets into the ring, but Rusev sends him to the floor. Rusev comes off the apron, but Uso kicks him in the face. Lana plans Naomi with a face-buster in the ring and goes for the cover, but Naomi kicks out at two. Lana screams and Uso gets on the mic and asks “What’s up with Milwaukee?” Lana slaps him and Naomi rolls her up for the win.
Winners: Day One Glow.
-After the match, we see that Fenomenal Flair (AJ Styles and Charlotte Flair) will take on The Fabulous Truth (R-Truth and Carmella) on next week’s show.
Mixed Match Challenge Tournament Standings:
Raw Division:
1. Monster Eclipse (Braun Strowman and Ember Moon): 1-0
1. Country Dominance (Bobby Lashley and Mickie James): 1-0
1. B’N’B (Finn Balor and Bayley): 1-0
4. Team Pawz (Kevin Owens and Natalya): 0-1
5. Mahalicia (Jinder Mahal and Alicia Fox): 0-2
Smackdown Live Division:
1. Fenomenal Flair (AJ Styles and Charlotte Flair): 1-0
1. Awe-Ska (The Miz and Asuka): 1-0
3. Day One Glow (Jimmy Uso and Naomi): 1-1
4. The Fabulous Truth (R-Truth and Carmella): 0-1
4. Ravishing Rusev Day (Rusev and Lana): 0-1