7/17/18 WWE 205 Live Recap: TJP vs. Dar; Gulak in Action; Rush vs. Tozawa Main Event
205 Live opens with Drake Maverick recapping the last couple of weeks of the show, including the new feuds between TJP and Noam Dar and Lio Rush and Akira Tozawa. The opening credits roll and then Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, and Vic Joseph welcome us to the show.
TJP comes to the ring. He says that Drake Maverick would prefer to see him as a curtain jerker instead of a main eventer. He calls Wilkes-Barre, “Wilkes-Boring” and says the people probably all say they are from Philly. He says he is going to turn Noam Dar’s comeback story into a comeback sentence because he is still the Cruiser-great and the best in the game.
Match #1 – Singles Match: TJP vs. Noam Dar
Dar drops TJP to the mat immediately and goes for the knee strike, but TJP rolls to the floor. Dar follows him out and takes him down on the floor and then tosses him back into the ring. Dar slams TJP to the mat and goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. Dar sends TJP to the ropes, but TJP counters and takes Dar down to the mat. TJP goes for an arm-bar, but Dar turns it into a cross-face. TJP makes it to the ropes to break the hold and then sends Dar into the middle rope. TJP springboards down onto Dar and then slams him into the turnbuckle. TJP delivers a few uppercuts and then chokes Dar with his boot in the corner. Dar comes back for a bit, but TJP drops him with another uppercut. TJP delivers a scoop slam and then connects with a senton over the top rope. TJP goes for the cover, but Dar kicks out at two.
TJP delivers a suplex and then transitions into a shoulder bar/wrist-lock submission. TJP wrenches Dar’s arm and goes for the cover, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar comes back and dodges a dropkick and sends TJP to the corner. Dar drops TJP to the mat and then delivers an overhead toss. Dar goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. TJP comes back and sets up for the Detonation Kick, but Dar trips him up and kicks him in the face. Dar goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. Dar sets up for the knee strike, but TJP rolls out of the way. TJP goes for a quick roll-up, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar sends TJP to the floor with a basement dropkick and goes out after him, but TJP slams him into the barricade. TJP gets Dar on the apron and then kicks him down onto it. Dar rolls back into the ring, but TJP delivers a chop block to take Dar down again.
TJP stomps down onto Dar and then applies a singe-leg Boston Crab using the ropes. TJP stomps down onto Dar’s knee and locks in the knee-bar submission and Dar taps out.
Winner: TJP.
We take a look back to last week’s main event, which saw Cedric Alexander successfully defend the WWE Cruiserweight Championship against Hideo Itami.
We then see Lio Rush warming up for his match backstage as we head to a break.
Back from the break, we see a promo from Mustafa Ali talking about his victory over Buddy Murphy in a No Disqualification Match from two weeks ago. He says he will continue to fight until he becomes the Cruiserweight Champion.
Match #2 – Singles Match: Drew Gulak (w/Gentleman Jack Gallagher and The Brian Kendrick) vs. Danny Garcia
Gulak drops Garcia with a clothesline and then delivers a back-drop driver. Gulak locks in the Gu-Lock and Garcia passes out.
Winner: Drew Gulak.
-After the match, Gulak says the 205 Live Universe has been subjected to two years of undeserving champions, but they will soon get the champion that they need: him. Gulak says everyone reminds him of Cedric Alexander, because when they step to him they will tap out.
We take a look back to last week’s match between Tony Nese and Kalisto, which Kalisto won by disqualification when Buddy Murphy attacked him. Nese and Murphy then join Dasha Fuentes last week. Murphy says he doesn’t like to lose and the Luchas were the wrong guys in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nese says Kalisto knows that he would have beaten him and he challenges Kalisto to another match next week with their friends left backstage.
We see Akira Tozawa warming up for his match backstage. The main even is up next.
Match #3 – Singles Match: Lio Rush vs. Akira Tozawa
Tozawa tries to lock-up with Rush, but Rush toys around with him and then back into the ropes. Rush runs the ropes and then drops Tozawa with a hurricanrana. Rush poses in the corner and Tozawa goes after him, but Rush ducks to the outside. Tozawa chases Rush around the ring and then gets him back into the ring. Tozawa connects with a kick and then a standing senton. Tozawa poses in the corner and then delivers a few chops to Rush. Rush comes back with right hands and then a heel kick that sends Tozawa to the floor. Tozawa gets back into the ring, but Rush keeps him grounded. Rush stops Tozawa into the corner, but Tozawa comes back with body strikes. Rush turns the momentum again and suplexes Tozawa to the mat. Rush goes for the cover, but Tozawa kicks out at one. Tozawa fights back and they exchange forearm shots.
Rush grounds Tozawa again and delivers an elbow drop. Rush follows up with another elbow drop and then applies a sleeper hold down on the mat. Tozawa fights back and delivers a few chops. Rush dodgers a few right hands and delivers some of his own, but Tozawa comes back with a right jab and then kicks Rush in the back of the head. Rush rolls to the floor and Tozawa connects with a suicide dive. Tozawa tosses Rush back into the ring and goes up top. Tozawa connects with a dropkick and goes for the cover, but Rush kicks out at two. Rush slaps Tozawa across the face, but Tozawa comes back with a snap suplex. Tozawa goes up top, but Rush rolls to the floor. Tozawa goes for a suicide dive, but Rush ducks down. Tozawa goes out after him, but Rush gets back into the ring. Tozawa kicks Rush in the face and goes up top.
Rush pulls Tozawa down and Tozawa hits the turnbuckle. Rush connects with the Final Hour and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Lio Rush.
-After the match, we see Cedric Alexander walking into Drake Maverick’s office. Alexander wants to know who his next challenger is. Maverick says the best talent in the WWE Universe is in 205 Live and announces Drew Gulak vs. Hideo Itami vs. TJP vs. Mustafa Ali for next week’s show, and the winner will be the number one contender for the Cruiserweight Championship.