Chelsea Green tweets on not getting paid by Black Cat Events
The former Laurel Van Ness in Impact Wrestling is not happy:
Here ya go! I believe this goes under the category of “LIAR”… or “FRAUD” if you’d rather that? @BlackCat_Events this was right before you ghosted, and right after your third excuse for not paying us.
— Chelsea Green (@ImChelseaGreen) April 29, 2018
OR! How about this… @BlackCat_Events why don’t we see how many fans on twitter you tried to STEAL money from? That can go under the THIEF category 😘 #Libel
— Chelsea Green (@ImChelseaGreen) April 29, 2018
We out here ROASTING this sucker. 🔥
Thanks for supporting, fam.— Chelsea Green (@ImChelseaGreen) April 29, 2018