Men’s Health Magazine calls BS on Flair saying he slept with 10,00th women

Sep 30, 2017 - by Steve Gerweck

“Let’s actually take a closer look. Jeremy assumes Flair started having sex when he was 14, which is pretty young to lose your virginity. Flair’s now 68, which gives him about 54 years of full-time sex. In 2014, Jezebel crunched the numbers on how long it would take to have sex 10,000 times (from the perspective of a female escort, someone who doesn’t have to deal with a refractory period), and found that, given an average time of 5.4 minutes, it would take 3,333.33 hours of straight sex – 138.88 days – to get to 10,000. That’s a lot of hours – and you’ve gotta keep it in mind, because that leaves little time for anything else – but because we’re looking at partners, not hours here, we have to break it down in a different way. 54 years of sex is 19,710 days. That means Flair was sleeping with a new woman about once every 2 days, which sounds possible for a celebrity at his peak (who doesn’t have to spend time meeting, greeting, wining, and dining), but is unreasonable when averaged over a lifetime.”

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