FloSports sues WWN, parent company of Evolve
– The independent wrestling streaming service FloSlam, owned by FloSports, filed a $1 million lawsuit against WWN, the parent company of EVOLVE, after FloSports claimed that WWN misled the company about data they were provided on how many people usually order EVOLVE on iPPV. WWN is denying the accusation and is ready to counter sue, saying that the streaming service has failed to live up to their obligations and WWN’s attorney called FloSlam a “failing subscription streaming platform.” The attorney, Samuel Heller, in a statement said that WWN has never provided incorrect, false, or misleading data to FloSports when negotiating a deal to add EVOLVE and other shows on their network. Heller added that FloSports has not promoted WWN shows enough and they have been unable to successfully integrate the company into their “mismanaged” platform. “This lawsuit is nothing more than a transparent effort to FloSports to avoid its responsibility to WWN, its talent and its fans. We are confident that the litigation will result favorably to WWN,” Heller added.