9/7/17 GFW Impact Wrestling Recap

GFW Impact Results
September 7, 2017
Orlando, Florida (Impact Zone)
Results courtesy of Impactwrestling.com
IMPACT opens with the arrivals of Eli Drake and Matt Sydal – they’ll do battle for the GFW Global Championship tonight!
X-Division Champion Sonjay Dutt and Petey Williams def. Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley
Konley is hung up on the ropes but as Williams charges at him, Lee makes the blind tag to take control. Williams hits the ropes but Lee catches him in the back with a knee, allowing Konley to continue the attack. Dutt takes out Lee with a kick, followed by a DDT to Konley for a near fall. Williams connects with the Canadian Destroyer on Konley, followed by a top rope splash from Dutt to win.
GFW Tag Team Champions LAX (Ortiz & Santana) w/ Konnan & Diamante def. John Boland & Zachary Wentz
During the match, oVe is seen watching the match from backstage. Ortiz and Santana deliver vicious double team combo moves on both Boland and Wentz to build momentum, followed by the Street Sweeper on Wentz to win. After the match, oVe interrupts and wants a shot at the tag team titles! Konnan tells them if they want a shot, it’s going to be in Tijuana, Mexico at a Crash promotion event. oVe accepts and it’s on!
GFW Knockout’s Champion Sienna w/ KM and Taryn Terrell def. Gail Kim and Allie w/ Braxton Sutter
Gail is on fire right out of the gate as she takes it to both Sienna and Taryn! Sienna is able to gain control by dropping her on the top rope. Taryn hits Gail with a big spinning neckbreaker. Gail connects with a hurricanrana on Sienna, allowing her to tag in Allie! She hits Sienna with Sliced Bread for a near fall. Allie is perched on the top rope when KM tries to get involved! Sutter evens the odds and chases him to the back. Allie hits Sienna with a crossbody but the momentum allows Sienna to roll her up for the win.
After the match, Sienna and Taryn attack Gail and Allie but Rosemary returns to stop them! Rosemary eventually falls victim to the numbers game but then, it’s the debuting Taya Valkyrie who makes her presence felt – just when it looks like she’s going to help Rosemary, she attacks her!
Jim Cornette is in the ring to hype the rest of tonight’s show when he’s interrupted by Johnny Impact! He says he wants the winner of tonight’s GFW Global Championship match. LAX comes out next and Konnan tells Cornette that Low-Ki should get the next shot.
A brawl breaks out but it’s five on one! Security breaks it up – who’s going to get the next shot at the GFW Global Championship?
Backstage, Jim Cornette announces a number one contender’s match between Johnny Impact and Low-Ki – next week!
Joseph Park motivates Grado to call off the wedding with Laurel Van Ness because she’s Canadian and that won’t help him become an American citizen. She takes it surprisingly well until she turns away and we see signs of the old Laurel coming back.
GFW stars competed at AAA’s biggest event of the year TripleMania including Johnny Impact, Rosemary, DJZ, Andrew Everett, Moose and Lashley! It was action-packed, dramatic and controversial!
Dezmond Xavier, the winner of this year’s Super X Cup tournament, talks about how oVe helped him grow as a professional wrestler.
AAA’s Pagano is coming soon to IMPACT.
Eddie Edwards recently became the first American born to win the GHC Championship in Pro Wrestling Noah!
It’s main event time on IMPACT!
GFW Global Champion Eli Drake w/ Chris Adonis def. Matt Sydal to retain the GFW Global Championship
Sydal hits the ropes but Adonis grabs his leg! Sydal returns the favour with a dropkick to the outside! The distraction allows Drake to take control with a big power move. Sydal sends Drake into the steel ring post on the outside! Sydal connects with an impressive standing moonsault for a near fall. Sydal hits double knees from the top for yet another near fall! Adonis hands Drake a steel chair but the referee stops him from using it. While the referee is distracted, Drake attempts to use the title belt but Sydal counters with a big knee! Sydal goes for the Shooting Star but Adonis distracts the referee, allowing Drake to crack Sydal over the head with the world title belt! Drake follows up with the Gravy Train to win.