9/5/17 WWE 205 Live Recap: TJP vs. Daivari, Tozawa vs. Gulak; Who is the New Number 1 Contender?

The 41st episode of 205 Live opens with a video hype package for tonight’s main event: Enzo Amore vs. Cedric Alexander vs. Gran Metalik vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Tony Nese in a Fatal 5-Way Elimination Match where the winner will advance to No Mercy to challenge Neville for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. We see the opening video and then go into the arena where Vic Joseph is joined by his new broadcast partner, Nigel McGuinness. They hype up tonight’s main event and McGuinness takes some shots at Enzo Amore.
Match #1: TJP vs. Ariya Daivari
Before the match, Rich Swann comes out and sits at ringside for the match. Daivari stomps away on TJP in the corner and then chops him against the ropes. Daivari sends TJP across the ring, but TJP comes back and sends Daivari to the floor. TJP drops Daivari with a springboard dropkick and then tosses him back into the ring. TJP goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. TJP sends Daivari into the corner and charges, but Daivari moves and kicks TJP in the back of the knee. Daivari drops TJP with a neck-breaker from the second rope and goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. Daivari applies a submission down on the mat, but TJP gets to his feet and kicks Daivari in the chest.
TJP and Daivari exchange right hands, but TJP delivers a springboard forearm and then delivers a series of suplexes. TJP goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. Daivari comes back with a back elbow and then drops TJP with a high knee. Daivari goes for the cover, but TJP kicks out at two. Daivari sends TJP to the floor and stares at Swann. Daivari stomps on TJP and then tosses him back into the ring. Daivari goes up top and then looks back at Swann before going for the frog splash. TJP moves out of the way and then connects with the Detonation Kick and gets the pin fall.
Winner: TJP.
After the match, Swann gets into the ring and challenges TJP to their rubber match on next week’s show.
We take a look back to last week’s show and see footage of the No Disqualification Match between The Brian Kendrick and Gentleman Jack Gallagher, which was won by Kendrick by way of TKO. Afterwards, McGuinness and Joseph hype the main event once more.
We see Drew Gulak walking backstage and he will be in action next.
Back from the break, we see that the match between Rich Swann and TJP for next week’s show has been made official.
Match #2: Drew Gulak vs. Akira Tozawa
They lock up and Gulak applies a side headlock. Gulak takes Tozawa down to the mat, but Tozawa fights out and sends him off the ropes. Tozawa drops Gulak with an arm-drag take down and then a dropkick. Tozawa drops Gulak with another dropkick and then delivers a back body drop. Gulak comes back with a sunset flip, but Tozawa gets away and kicks him in the chest. Tozawa delivers a basement dropkick that sends Gulak to the floor. Tozawa goes out after him, but Gulak slams him into the barricade. Gulak slams Tozawa into the ring apron and rolls him back into the ring. Gulak stomps away on Tozawa and then applies a rear naked choke down on the mat. Tozawa gets free, but Gulak keeps control with a hard chop.
Gulak puts his boot in Tozawa’s face in the corner and then stomps away on him. Tozawa fights back with shoulders to the midsection, but Gulak grounds him with a clubbing shot to the chest. Gulak comes off the ropes and takes Tozawa down again and then applies a submission down on the mat. Tozawa fights to his feet and delivers a right hand to Gulak. Tozawa takes Gulak down with a hurricanrana and then dropkicks him to the floor. Tozawa comes through the ropes with a suicide dive and then tosses him back into the ring. Tozawa goes for the cover, but Gulak kicks out at two. Tozawa kicks Gulak in the midsection and then drops him with a side suplex. Tozawa goes for the cover again, but Gulak kicks out once again.
Tozawa goes up top and goes for the senton, but Gulak moves and then rolls Tozawa up for a two count. Tozawa connects with a roundhouse kicks and goes up top again. Tozawa delivers the senton and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Akira Tozawa.
We go backstage with Dasha Fuentes and Enzo Amore. He says he looks smart and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that he is three-and-oh in Cruiserweight matches. He says he has the gift of gab and the gift of jab and he hasn’t traveled the world in the indies but they all ended up in the same place. He says he is going to put 205 Live on the map and he isn’t taking anybody lightly. Neville walks up and calls Amore amusing and ridiculous. Neville says 205 Live is an arena for real competitors, serious athletes, and Amore is neither one. Neville says Amore has no business entertaining the idea that he belongs in the same ring as him. Amore says he isn’t playing games and come No Mercy, the title is his.
Match #3: Number One Contender’s (WWE Cruiserweight Championship) Fatal 5-Way Elimination Match – Tony Nese vs. Cedric Alexander vs. The Brian Kendrick vs. Gran Metalik vs. Enzo Amore
All four men turn their attention to Amore and he bails from the ring. Metalik goes for a quick roll up on Kendrick, bu Kendrick kicks out. Alexander and Metalik work together to take down Kendrick and Nese with an elevated double dropkick from Metalik. Metalik and Alexander then battle in the ring and Alexander gets the upperhand. Metalik goes for a springboard elbow, but Alexander dodges it. Metalik comes back with a dropkick, but Nese pulls Metalik to the outside and slams him face first into the announce table. Kendrick gets on the apron, but Amore pulls him down to the floor. Alexander and Nese battle in the ring and exchange right hands. Nese goes behind, but Alexander counters with an elbow. Nese comes back with kicks to the midsection, but Alexander takes him down with an enzuiguri and a dropkick. Alexander goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out at two.
Alexander delivers a chop and takes Nese to the corner and delivers a few more chops and then a right hand. Nese elevates Alexander to the apron, but Alexander comes back with a kick to the head. Alexander springboards in, but Nese catches him with a gut-buster. Amore rolls up Nese from behind, but only gets a two count. Kendrick grabs Amore and suplexes him down to the floor. Kendrick tosses Amore back into the ring and Nese goes for the cover, but Amore kicks out at two. Nese applies a neck-wrench submission and then delivers a back-breaker. Nese goes for the cover, but Amore kicks out at two again. Kendrick gets back into the ring and delivers a suplex to Amore and goes for the cover, but Amore gets free again. Nese and Kendrick continue to double-team Amore in the ring for a bit, but Amore fights back and takes both of them down.
Amore delivers a kick to Nese’s face, but Kendrick distracts Amore. Kendrick and Nese double superkick Amore and he goes to the outside. Metalik and Alexander springboard in and take Kendrick and Nese out. Alexander then takes Metalik down with a standing Spanish fly and all five men are down. Alexander gets to his feet and climbs to the top, but Nese cuts him off with an uppercut. Nese sets up for a suplex, but Alexander fights back. Kendrick gets to the corner and goes to help out Nese, but then Metalik gets on top of everyone and delivers a sunset power bomb superplex to the other three men and everyone is down again. Amore gets to his feet and goes for a suicide dive on Nese and Kendrick, but they catch him and slam him onto the announce table. Kendrick delivers a knee and Nese kicks Amore in the face and then they both toss him over the announce table and into the barricade.
Kendrick turns on Nese and sends him to the floor and then Metalik takes Kendrick out. Nese comes back and takes Metalik out with an elbow and then tosses him back into the ring. Nese sets Metalik in the corner, but Alexander cuts him off and hits the Lumbar Check and gets the pin fall.
Tony Nese has been eliminated.
Alexander and Metalik battle in the ring now, but then Kendrick gets back into the ring. Alexander takes Kendrick down with a handspring kick. Metalik goes for the Metalik Driver, but Alexander counters and hits the Lumbar Check on Metalik and gets the pin fall.
Gran Metalik has been eliminated.
Kendrick gets into the ring and takes him down with Sliced Bread and goes for the cover, but Alexander kicks out. Kendrick applies the Captain’s Hook immediately, but Alexander rolls into a pin and Kendrick kicks out. Kendrick applies the Captain’s Hook again, but Alexander gets free and sends Kendrick to the outside. Alexander drops Kendrick on the apron and then delivers the Lumbar Check and gets the pin fall.
The Brian Kendrick has been eliminated.
Amore gets into the ring and rolls up Alexander and gets the pin fall with a handful of tights.
Cedric Alexander has been eliminated.
Winner and number one contender for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Enzo Amore.