Emma Continues Ranting (Video), Fans on John Cena – Roman Reigns Segment, Titus Worldwide

Aug 29, 2017 - by Staff

– As noted, last night’s WWE RAW in Memphis saw Emma defeat Mickie James with the stipulation being that if Emma won, Mickie had to tweet any hashtag that Emma wanted. If Mickie won, Emma would no longer be able to take credit for the women’s revolution. Emma tweeted a list of hashtags for Mickie to re-tweet but Mickie has not complied as of this writing. In the Fallout video below, Emma talks to Mike Rome and continues to insist that she started the women’s revolution. Emma points to WWE Shop and how there are almost 100 items for Sasha Banks and Bayley combined, while she has none. This leads to a new hashtag for her ongoing Twitter campaign – #GiveEmmaATshirt.

– WWE has a new poll asking fans who won the war of words between John Cena and Roman Reigns on last night’s RAW. As of this writing, 78% voted for Cena.

– Below is video of former NBA player Vince Carter backstage at last night’s RAW with Titus O’Neil, Akira Tozawa and Apollo Crews. Titus introduces All-Star as a member of Titus Worldwide before they take questions from Charly Caruso and Mike Rome. Vince says he’s been a part of the group for a long time as he and Titus were in the same fraternity together. The presser is interrupted by Curt Hawkins, who jokes about being offered a spot in the group.

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