Stephanie McMahon Watches Takeover (Photos), Aleister Black’s Entrance, Triple H
– The band Code Orange, which opened the WWE NXT “Takeover: Brooklyn III” event with an on-stage performance, also performed Aleister Black’s special entrance, along with the vocalist from Incendiary. You can see video from Black’s entrance below:
– Cathy Kelley noted on Twitter that her post-Takeover interview with Triple H did not air due to technical issues inside the Barclays Center. Triple H also commented:
Sorry to those who tuned in to the Facebook Live tonight from #NXTTakeOver. Unfortunately we had some technical difficulties.
— Triple H (@TripleH) August 20, 2017
– Stephanie McMahon watched part of Takeover from ringside with Dana Warrior and a friend. She tweeted the following:
#NXTTakeover is indeed #Glorius! So proud of all the athletes, everyone behind the scenes and of course, @TripleH! #blondetourage
— Stephanie McMahon (@StephMcMahon) August 20, 2017
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