Daniel Bryan gives detailed explanation of events that led to retirement

Aug 20, 2017 - by Steve Gerweck

Daniel Bryan was the latest guest on the Edge & Christian podcast and had some of the most detailed explanation of what happened with his concussions and subsequent forced retirement from WWE. Bryan described how he went to two different doctors that WWE specifically chose in addition to one that he chose. All three doctors gave him the green light to return, but WWE did not want to hear that answer and sent him to do more experiments which technically were not FDA approved yet. The new reflex testing revealed that he had a lesion in a part of his brain and he informed WWE on the results and was told he had to go to Raw and announce his retirement, something that he did not want to do. Eventually after the whole saga was over, Bryan explained that one of the doctors who cleared him, called him to find out what drove Bryan into retirement. After he explained what the reflex test results were, the doctor informed Bryan that a lesion is a very vague term when used in the medical field and does not necessarily mean something serious. The same doctor then requested the reflex report, which listed that Bryan had lower reflexes than an athlete. The original report compared his reflex to athletes such as professional football players and MMA fighters, and while it came back that his reflex was a bit slower than these individuals, his reflex was the same of a normal human being. The Smackdown General Manager explained how they never had a baseline of how that part of his brain used to function before so there was nothing to compare it to to see if there was actually any degeneration. Bryan then went to The Joe Namath Neurological Research Center at Jupiter Medical Center in Jupiter, Florida at his own expense to get more testing done and it was revealed that his brain is no different than the majority of college football players and there is no indication of any brain damage.

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