Jeff Hardy on his infamous 2011 match with Sting

Apr 26, 2017 - by Steve Gerweck

Jeff Hardy claims his infamous insobriety in a 2011 match with Sting turned out to be the best thing that could have happened: “2011, with Sting, I was taking somas and I went out there f#%$ed up, and, man, I couldn’t even wrestle. For the first time in my life, I went too far. I couldn’t wrestle my idol, basically, Sting, and he had to do the right Jeff Hardy thing and shut me down and pin me; that deal with Sting, man, honestly, was the best thing that ever could have happened to me to straighten my ass up. That was my eye-opener, for the rest of my life, it was that night with Sting. And, man, I love him so much. He was so great after that and coming back in the best shape of my life in 2012, whenever that was when I won (TNA’s) world title again or whatever. Basically, in a way, in a sick way, that was kind of an eye-opener for me to see that and to feel pitiful for myself. 2012 was one of my best years ever, coming back from that tragedy of a story and just… So basically being on the road so much, I go carried away. The addiction got the best of me.”

Source: The Art Of Wrestling

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