WWE officially offer Matt and Jeff Hardy contracts to return
ProWrestlingSheet.com is reporting that WWE has officially offered Matt and Jeff Hardy new deals and “all signs point to an inevitable return.”
A return to the WWE would be a big deal for the company, especially if they are allowed to use the Broken gimmicks. Both Hardys are currently locked in a legal battle with Impact Wrestling over the use of the intellectual property as both parties are claiming that they own the gimmicks.
Unless the legal situation is cleared beforehand, it’s a definite that the two won’t be using them on WWE television. Impact Wrestling has blocked the Hardys from using the characters while wrestling for Ring of Honor and threatened to sue ROH and its pay-per-view providers. Matt and Jeff are currently the ROH Tag Team champions, having signed a short-term deal that will conveniently run through April 1, with a final appearance before WrestleMania at the ROH SuperCard of Honor in Lakeland, Florida.
Matt was last seen on WWE TV in September 2010 while his brother Jeff left almost a year earlier in August 2009.