WWE RAW Report – 1/9/17

Jan 9, 2017 - by Staff

– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley backstage. He has a new haircut and she’s preparing to give him his 2016 Performance Review. Stephanie brings up the rumors of The Undertaker appearing tonight. She says the WWE Universe expects them to deliver. The last time she saw Taker, he was on SmackDown. Foley has no concrete evidence Taker will be here but he h as a strong feeling. Seth Rollins walks in and puts himself in the Royal Rumble main event. Braun Strowman comes in yelling. He wants Roman Reigns or Bill Goldberg, or else. Rollins says Goldberg isn’t here and Reigns has a match… Rollins offers to help. Rollins strikes first and they start brawling as Stephanie yells. Officials come in to break it up. Foley says Taker will be here.

– We’re live from New Orleans with Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton.

2-on-1 Handicap Match for the WWE United States Title: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns

WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring. We see the shark cage sitting on the stage.

WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens is out next with partner Chris Jericho. We get formal ring introductions from JoJo. Before the match can begin, the music hits and out comes Braun Strowman to interrupt.

Reigns meets Strowman on the floor and they go at it. Braun brings it in the ring and Reigns gets triple teamed. The music hits and out comes Seth Rollins with a chair. He nails Strowman in the face and goes to work on Jericho and Owens. Reigns comes in with a chair and nails Braun with it, taking him to one knee. Rollins and Reigns swing chairs at the same time, sending Braun to the floor. Stephanie McMahon’s music hits and out she comes. She says the match is not going to end this way and RAW is not going to start this way. She promised a Handicap Match for the title and that’s what they’re going to get. She’s going to give Reigns time to recover but Rollins vs. Braun is made. Rollins stares Braun down as we go to commercial.

Braun Strowman vs. Seth Rollins

Back from the break and Rollins starts the match with a dropkick. Rollins works to get Braun off his feet but Braun sends him to the mat. Rollins fights back with kicks but Braun nails him with a big blow to the back of the head. Braun keeps control and beats Rollins around.

Braun drops a big elbow and keeps control of the match. Braun stands tall as some fans boo him. Rollins continues to fight back. Braun sends him to the apron. Rollins comes in with clotheslines but Braun won’t go down. Rollins with kicks. Braun catches him in mid-air and slams him to the mat. Braun stands tall and yells to the crowd. Rollins gets up on the apron but Braun charges with a shoulder and sends Rollins to the floor. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins is rallying. Rollins knocks Braun off his feet with a kick to the head. 2 count for Rollins. Rollins tries to knock Braun down again and goes to the top. Braun catches him on the way down and slams him into the corner. Braun puts Rollins on the top. Braun catches a Blockbuster attempt and puts Rollins back up top. Braun climbs up for a superplex but Rollins kicks him. Rollins headbutts and punches Braun, sending him to the mat. Rollins nails the Frogsplash but Braun kicks out at 2.

Braun goes to the floor. Rollins nails a knee to the face from the apron. Rollins goes back to the top and jumps down at Braun but Braun moves and Rollins lands on the barrier.

Braun sends Rollins over the barrier into the crowd. The referee counts them both out.

Double Count Out

– After the match, Braun brings Rollins back into the ring and grabs a steel chair. Braun brings the chair into the ring but Rollins kicks it into his leg. Braun goes back to the floor and can’t re-enter due to Rollins swinging the chair. Rollins’ music hits as he and Braun stare each other down. We go to replays.

– Still to come, Shawn Michaels is here. Cole leads us to a preview of “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone” with HBK.

– Back from the break and Drew Brees of the New Orleans Saints is at ringside with his kids.

– We see what happened last week after Bayley became the #1 contender. Bayley and Sasha Banks are backstage now. Bayley gets hype about her title shot at the Royal Rumble. She’s defeated Charlotte before and can do it again. Sasha believes in her too. Sasha brings up another Bayley vs. Boss match after the Royal Rumble. Sasha says she has Bayley’s back if Charlotte tries any tricks. The RAW Women’s Champion walks up and applauds Sasha for her performance, acting like she cares about Bayley. They have words until Nia Jax appears. She kicks Sasha’s leg out and Bayley gets beat down by Charlotte when she tries to make the save. Charlotte stands with Nia but Nia grabs her and pushes her back into a stack of production cases. Charlotte is shocked as Nia walks off.

Jack Gallagher vs. Drew Gulak

Austin Aries has joined commentary as Jack Gallagher makes his way to the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and the match is underway. Back and forth early on. Gulak launches Gallagher into the ropes and hits a big clothesline off the ropes for a 2 count. Gulak keeps Gallagher grounded now.

Gallagher makes a comeback. Gallagher with a headbutt and the running dropkick in the corner. Gallagher covers for the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher

– After the match, Charly Caruso interviews Gallagher in the ring about his rivalry with Ariya Daivari. Gallagher offers Ariya an “olive branch” so they can settle the feud peacefully. Gallagher invites Ariya to 205 Live to negotiate an agreement but if Daivari doesn’t agree, Gallagher will be forces to engage in fisticuffs.

– We see TJ Perkins backstage talking to Shawn Michaels. Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and Foley is looking for The Undertaker. Stephanie approaches him and is anxious to know if Taker is here or not. Foley knows he will be here but Stephanie needs facts. She says Foley’s entire Performance Review rides on Foley producing Taker tonight. She says Mick has one hour to get Taker in the middle of the ring. He says Taker will be there, trust him.

– We go to the ring and out comes WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels to a pop.

HBK hits the ring and says he’s missed the fans. Shawn talks about how things start picking up in January and mentions the Royal Rumble in San Antonio, Texas. HBK says he has many fond memories of the Rumble and this year’s show just happens to be in San Antonio. HBK talks about winning the WWE Title at the Rumble 20 years ago. Shawn hypes this year’s Rumble match, name-dropping Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins. HBK says he’s much more comfortable on the outside looking in when you think about how stacked the card is. Fans chant “one more match” now. HBK says he’s excited about the Rumble but he’s here to promote The Resurrection of Gavin Stone, which comes out on January 20th. The music interrupts and out comes Rusev, Lana and Jinder Mahal.

Rusev says HBK’s movie needs Lana if it’s going to be successful. HBK says the movie is already done, taking the chance to plug the release date again. Rusev, Jinder and Lana are in the ring now. Rusev goes on about using CGI to put Lana in the movie. A “Sweet Chin Music” chant starts up next. Rusev says HBK doesn’t even do that anymore. The music finally interrupts and out come Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Enzo is still riding the wheelchair.

Enzo and Cass join HBK in the ring for some mic work. Rusev threatens to put Cass and HBK in a wheelchair next. Lana laughs. Cass steps to Rusev and challenges him to a one-on-one fight. HBK says he’s going to stay at ringside during the match and if you’re not done with that… Back to commercial.

Big Cass vs. Jinder Mahal

Back from the break and the match is underway. HBK is ringside with Enzo. Lana and Rusev are on the other side. Cass takes control until Jinder catches him with a cheap shot. Jinder with a 1 count.

Jinder uses the ropes and takes Cass down for another pin attempt. Jinder keeps Cass grounded as Rusev cheers him on. Jinder with knees and kicks in the corner. Cass comes back and hits a big splash before tossing Jinder across the ring. Cass with another splash in the corner. Rusev distracts Cass, allowing Jinder to take control. Rusev goes at Enzo now but HBK drops him with Sweet Chin Music. This leads to Cass hitting the East River Crossing and the Empire Elbow on Jinder for the win.

Winner: Big Cass

– After the match, Enzo and HBK join Cass in the ring as we go to replays. HBK celebrates with Enzo and Cass to end the segment.

– Still to come, Reigns will defend in a Handicap Match. Back to commercial.

– We get another vignette for Emma’s return as Emmalina. Back to commercial.

Lince Dorado vs. Neville

Back from the break and Neville is out as Aries is back out for commentary. Lince Dorado waits in the ring. No pre-match handshake as Neville disrespects Dorado and they go at it.

Dorado unloads on Neville and nails him on the floor. Dorado brings it back into the ring and goes to the top. Dorado with a crossbody for a 2 count. Neville drops Dorado with a cheap shot and takes control.

Neville ends up getting the win by submission.

Winner: Neville

– After the match, Neville attacks again and puts Dorado in a Rings of Saturn like move. The music hits and out comes WWE Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann to make the save. Swann unloads and they go at it. Neville avoids a big kick and rolls out of the ring.

– Still to come, will Foley produce The Undertaker?

– Sasha and Bayley enter Stephanie’s locker room and want a match for next week’s show against Charlotte and Jax. Stephanie doesn’t care if Sasha isn’t 100% and makes the match for tonight. She tells them to get the hell out of her office.

Luke Gallows vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and Luke Gallows is coming out. Karl Anderson is on commentary. RAW Tag Team Champions Sheamus and Cesaro are out next.

The bell rings and they go at it after Cesaro joins commentary. Sheamus unloads and hits a nice kick in the corner. Sheamus comes in from the apron with the battering ram and covers for a 2 count. Gallows turns it around and beats on Sheamus. Sheamus catches him in a rolling senton and drops a knee. Gallows goes to the floor and Sheamus follows. Gallows drops him with a big clothesline. They come back in and Sheamus fights back but gets knocked from the top to the floor. Back to commercial with Gallows standing tall.

Back from the break and they’re going at it. Gallows misses a kick and takes a kick, sending him back out of the ring. Sheamus goes for the forearms on the apron but Gallows fights him off and knocks him back to the apron. Sheamus hits the forearms now. Sheamus kicks Gallows back to the floor and brings him back in. Sheamus goes to the top with a clothesline for a 2 count. Sheamus readies for the Brogue Kick but Anderson attacks Cesaro with a bottle at the announce table. Gallows takes advantage but Sheamus still kicks out at 2.

Cesaro grabs Anderson on the stage but Anderson gets away from a Cesaro Swing. Sheamus takes advantage of Gallows being distracted and hits the Brogue for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

– Foley is backstage walking and talking to people. Will Taker be here? Back to commercial.

– Back from the break and we see what happened with Reigns earlier. Reigns is backstage with Charly Caruso and is confident about defending later tonight.

– We go to the ring and Mick Foley is out. He talks about his history with The Undertaker and calls him to the ring for one last encounter on RAW. Foley says he needs Taker to take a trip from the Darkside, to be here… right here in New Orleans, Louisiana. Foley goes on and the lights go out. Fans pop but Stephanie McMahon’s music hits instead and out she comes.

Stephanie apologizes to the fans and says Foley has forced her to give him his Performance Review publicly. She says the crowd reaction is a result of Foley’s inability to produce The Undertaker. She runs down some of Foley’s failures and asks Foley what he has to say for himself. She asks what she should do next. Foley says he’s sorry… the gong hits and the lights go out. Fans pop as the music starts up and out comes The Undertaker.

Fans chant Taker’s name as he takes a mic. Taker says he’s back. It’s important that the world knows he will be entering the Royal Rumble. We see Braun Strowman watching backstage. Taker says he answers to no one, he goes where he wants, when he wants. Nobody controls The Undertaker. Taker gets in Stephanie’s face, says “no one” and the crowd pops. Taker says he’s returned to the city where The Streak ended and he suffered his worst defeat. Taker says his journey continues, to the Royal Rumble. Taker says he’s dug 29 holes for 29 souls and will be bringing The Dark Side to the Rumble match. Taker says after he wins, he will return to the main event at WrestleMania 33 and if anyone, and he means anyone, stands in his way… they will… Rest In Peace.

– Still to come, Bayley and Sasha vs. Charlotte and Nia.

– Back from the break and Charly is with Jericho and Owens backstage with words for tonight’s main event.

Bayley and Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax and Charlotte

We go to the ring and out first comes Bayley. Sasha Banks is out next with her knee wrapped up. Nia Jax is out first for her team. RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair is out next.

Sasha starts off with Charlotte. Charlotte with an early Figure Four attempt. Sasha unloads and sends Charlotte to the corner. Sasha slaps Nia and in she comes but the referee gets in between the two teams. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Sasha has Charlotte in the corner. Sasha’s leg goes out. Bayley tags in and unloads on Charlotte. Bayley misses in the corner and gets floored by a boot for a 2 count. Charlotte slams Bayley’s head into the apron a few times and stands tall. Nia comes in and launches Bayley into the turnbuckle. Nia dominates Bayley and tosses her across the ring. Nia holds Bayley as Charlotte tags in and decks her. Charlotte covers for a 2 count. Charlotte keeps control and has Bayley grounded now. Charlotte with a 2 count. Nia tags in and slams Bayley in the middle of the ring. Nia knocks Sasha off the apron. Nia drags Bayley over and tags in Charlotte for more double teaming.

Bayley fights back and rolls Charlotte up but didn’t see Nia tag in. Nia floors Bayley and hits her with the big leg drop. Nia covers for the pin.

Winners: Nia Jax and Charlotte

– After the match, Nia stands over Bayley as Charlotte comes in to have her hand raised. Sasha is down on the floor as we go to replays. Charlotte taunts Bayley with the title before leaving.

– We see Noam Dar backstage when Alicia Fox walks up. Dar thinks she’s here to slap him again but she takes him and plants a big kiss on his lips instead. Fox says Cedric Alexander was right, Dar can’t handle a real woman. She walks off.

– Back to the ring and out comes The New Day. They have a special offer for Titus O’Neil. We go to commercial with their entrance wrapping up.

Back from the break and Titus O’Neil is in the ring with Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston. He apologizes for last week but wants another shot at joining The New Day. They shot us footage from 2010 on the original WWE NXT where Titus tripped during a challenge with a beer keg. The New Day has a keg at ringside now. Kofi says it’s filled with the greatest sports drink of all-time… Booty Juice. Booty Juice – it makes sure your throat is loose, they say. Kofi asks for 12.7 seconds to be put on the clock. Titus picks the keg up and runs around the ring with it. He makes it back with 00.6 seconds left but the referee says he dropped the keg before crossing the line. Kofi airs the replay and it proves Titus dropped the keg before crossing the line. Kofi taunts Titus and Titus pushes him away. Kofi goes back into the ring and asks who wants to see him put a hurting on Titus. The match is on. We go to commercial with the group taunting Titus as their music plays.

Titus O’Neil vs. Kofi Kingston

Back from the break and the match is underway. Titus overpowers Kofi early on and takes control.

Titus keeps control and shuts Kofi down. Titus talks trash after a big boot and another 2 count. Kofi finally gets a counter in but Titus blocks the roll up. Titus puts Kofi on the top and slaps him. Kofi fights back and comes off the top but Titus catches him and manhandles him. Kofi ends up getting the win with a Trouble in Paradise after an assist from the outside.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

– The announcers hype the WWE UK Title tournament.

– Jericho and Owens are walking backstage. Back to commercial.

Handicap Match for the WWE United States Title: Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns

We go to the ring and out comes WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns first. Chris Jericho and WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens are out next.

Reigns meets them at ringside and starts brawling. He beats Jericho up the ramp and puts him in the shark cage. Owens attacks from behind and Jericho gets out. They double team Reigns and send him into the side of the shark cage, knocking it off the stage. They bring Reigns to ringside and toss him into the steel steps now.

The referee checks on Reigns and officially starts the match. Owens attacks him and takes it to the corner, talking trash about how Reigns isn’t The Guy. Jericho is in next to keep Reigns down. Reigns finally catches Jericho coming off the top. Owens runs in but Reigns drops him. Reigns with a clothesline to Owens in the corner. Reigns into Jericho’s boot. Jericho misses the running bulldog. Reigns with a Samoan Drop on Jericho. Reigns unloads on Owens with clotheslines. Reigns runs into a right hand. Reigns with a big boot on Owens, sending him to the floor. Reigns goes for a Superman punch on Jericho but misses. Owens decks Reigns and Jericho hits a Lionsault for a 2 count.

Reigns goes down again. They go for the double team to put him away but Reigns counters. Reigns sends Owens to the floor. Reigns readies for a spear but Jericho kicks him. Reigns blocks a Codebreaker. Jericho blocks the powerbomb. Reigns nails a spear for a 2 count as Owens pulls Reigns to the floor. Reigns misses a Drive By to Owens. Owens superkicks him in the head. Reigns blocks a powerbomb on the floor and backdrops Owens. Reigns nails the Drive By on Owens. Reigns hits a Superman punch on Jericho as he goes for the springboard kick.

Reigns goes back into the ring but Owens holds his leg. Jericho hits a Codebreaker. Owens powerbombs Reigns onto the edge of the apron. Jericho and Owens bring Reigns back into the ring. Jericho hits a Codebreaker for the win.

Winner and New WWE United States Champion: Chris Jericho

– After the match, we go to replays as Jericho takes his title and stands tall. RAW goes off the air with The Best Friends celebrating with their titles.

Follow Marc on Twitter at @this_is_marc. Send any news, tips or corrections to us by clicking here.

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