Mick Foley’s Son Comments on Reports, The Boogeyman’s Debut, WWE Network Adds More Promotions
– The latest “This Week In WWE History” video with Corey Graves and Kyle Edwards looks at the debut of The Boogeyman:
– WWE Network continues to add classic wrestling promotions to the Vault as they have new episodes from Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling in 1978 and 1979, as well as Global Wrestling Federation from when Jerry Jarrett was running Texas under the USWA name. More are expected to be added over the next week or so.
– I noted yesterday that Mick Foley’s son Dewey was being hired by WWE to work as a creative assistant in early 2016. Dewey commented on those reports and the San Bernadino shootings on Twitter yesterday:
Don't worry about me and a possible job with the WWE. I'm just one person. Instead, let's think about the families who have lost loved ones.
— Dewey Foley (@DeweyHaveTo) December 2, 2015