Video: Dean Ambrose Pays Tribute to Dusty Rhodes After WWE Money In the Bank
– Above is the Dean Ambrose promo that took place after WWE Money In the Bank went off the air. Ambrose starts talking about taking the WWE World Heavyweight Title from Seth Rollins because of respect. Ambrose then goes into what some are calling his “Hard Times 2015” promo as a tribute to Dusty Rhodes. Below is a transcript from Reddit user ctorresc04:
“When I stole that championship belt a couple of weeks ago, it was about respect. It was about taking what you feel you earned. Now life ain’t always fair, and I’m from right here in Ohio. And you people know life ain’t always fair. You can’t get a car loan ’cause on a technicality, you don’t have a good enough credit score, so now you gotta walk to work, your children gotta walk to school on a technicality. Your boss pushes you around even though you’re better at his job than he is, and he talks to you like you’re an idiot, but he’s the boss on a technicality. So when I took that championship it was about screw technicalities, it was about taking what’s yours, what you deserved, what you feel that you earned, what you know in your heart and your soul that you deserve, that you earned. It was about just taking it. And I’m a grown ass man and I loss fair and square tonight. I climbed that ladder, and I didn’t like what happened when I came down. I loss fair and square and I’m man enough to admit that. So I’m gonna fix this leg and I’m gonna stand up on my two feet again. And one day I’m going to be World Heavyweight Champion and there ain’t no paperwork, and there ain’t no technicalities, and there ain’t no bullcrap that’s gonna stop me.”