John Cena Says He Actually Enjoys Being Able To Be a Real-Life Superhero
– John Cena recently spoke with USA Today to promote WWE’s new Flintstones movie. Below are some highlights:
Seeing more kids in the crowd and changing his rapper gimmick:
“I looked around and saw who was sitting in the audience and said, ‘You know what, I proactively need to change.’ And it was for the greater good.”
Staying connected to fans:
“I know what they’re thinking,” Cena says. “A lot of our performers become too cool for school where they can’t show that sort of happiness and humility at times, that emotion, and that’s when our audience doesn’t necessarily attach to them. You’ve got to be able to go out there and just lose yourself.”
Being OK with the balance of cheers and jeers he receives:
“I totally get it. I don’t necessarily spend my time watching programs that 6- to 10-year-old kids enjoy, so I get the need for different racy comedy and story lines. But at the same time I don’t want to offend anyone in our audience so I do what I do to the best of my ability, and I actually really enjoy being able to be a real-life superhero and an aspirational character both in live entertainment and animation films like Flintstones. It gives you a feeling of self-worth at the end of the day. It becomes more than just a job — you feel as if you’re affecting lives and that truly is pretty important.”