Eric Bischoff on why Buff Bagwell never became a main eventer

Jan 23, 2017 - by Steve Gerweck

During the latest edition of Eric Bischoff’s podcast, Bishoff answered a fan question, asking why Buff Bagwell never got a main event push in WCW. Here is what Bischoff had to say on the topic…

“He just didn’t have the chops for it, you know? It’s the same reason there are a lot of character actors out there that we’ve seen in a hundred different movies and we recognize them as great supporting cast members. They have great careers. They make a lot of money but they are never that leading character. It takes a lot to be that main event star or be that leading man or leading woman in the feature film industry or a television series. It’s the same way in sports entertainment. Not everybody that has great skills and makes a great supporting cast member has what it takes to be a main eventer or the leading character. Often times in sports entertainment because it’s got such a vocal and avid fan base of people that love the business. They are more interested in what is going on behind the scenes and the politics than they are about what’s going on on the screen in many cases. Every time I hear, “So and so DESERVES a chance to be in the main event.” You know, bullshit. Nobody deserves anything. You earn it. You earn it based off your talent, based off box office, based on your ability to convince people whose lives depend on whether they make the right decision or wrong decision. You deserve it based on your ability to convince them that you do and not everybody can. I wanna smack somebody in the head every time I hear somebody say, “So and so DESERVES a shot!”

source: transcript via

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